Preventing pregnancy the right way

Not everyone wants to be pregnant. For women who do not want to be, it is due to their unpreparedness at that period. For people who are sexually active and do not want a child yet, it is imperative that they are aware of the options that exist for birth control.

There are a good number of contraception available to keep pregnancy at bay. However, the best method to prevent pregnancy is to stay away from sex.  

Below are some preventative measures that helps to prevent pregnancy

  1. Know your contraceptive options: If you do not know your contraceptive options, it is important to go on birth control. There are a good number of options to select from, both hormonal and nonhormonal ones.

There are daily combination pills that you can take, alongside with daily minipills, skin patches, vaginal rings and intrauterine devices (IUDs)

  • Use your birth control precisely: Each day you are not on birth control, the chances of becoming pregnant increases. So, it is important to stick to the medication schedule and take the pill at the exact time frame every day.

By all means possible, do not miss doses and as soon as you remember, take the pill immediately.

  • Use barrier protection: In preventing pregnancy birth control is very effective. However, it does not prevent you from contracting sexually transmitted infections. So, it is essential to use barrier protection like condoms, because they provide a safe medium for hormonal birth control and STIs prevention.
  • Track your fertility and avoid sex when ovulating: When you are ovulating, it is possible for you to track your fertility and avoid sex. There are some applications you can use for this purpose. This method is very proficient if you know how your body works. It is a good complement to other preventative measures.

If you want something in the long term, you can decide to opt for long-term birth control options. Some of them can last for three-ten years. And if you want something permanent, then you can opt for sterilization. For men, the sperm would be prevented from releasing and for women, the fallopian tubes will be blocked, preventing the eggs from traveling to the uterus.


Abortion is the process of terminating a pregnancy. People sometimes mix up the concepts of abortions and miscarriages.

A miscarriage is always unintentional. In this case, a woman might lose her pregnancy because of strenuous activities or due to some complications that come with pregnancy, as a result of health issues.

For abortion, it is always intentional. It could be that the individual is not ready for a child at that period. So, what some of them resort to, is abortion.

There are various dangers associated with abortion and having a look at the following points will inform you more:  

  1. Health problems: A woman who commits abortion is at a high risk. The reason for this is, anything could go wrong. In the phase of abortion, any of the organs could become dysfunctional and in the process, affect the others.

One of the worse unimaginable scenarios possible, is for the woman to lose her womb which means she cannot go through the process of conception and child-birth again.

  • Flouting the laws: In most countries, abortion is a crime. And if a woman is found to commit abortion, disciplinary measures might be spelt out to her. It is wrong to deny an unborn child the right to live, because they are not wanted at that time. It is best to avoid getting pregnant if the means are possible.
  • Damaged relationships: People do not entirely buy the idea of aborting a child. So, if they learn what you did, their first line of action is to give you distance. Someone who aborts a child would most likely lose friends and acquaintances. There is a stigma that comes with addiction that no one wants to be associated with.
  • Death: In some unfortunate cases, the woman might lose her life in the process. As mentioned above, there are tendencies for complications to take place when the abortion is in motion. In other cases, the woman might lose her life after a period of time.